Knife Skills —

a kitchen guide to using the right knife the right way

This site will give you the confidence to choose and use the knives and other nonelectric sharp tools in your kitchen. It’s also a reference site that you can use as you improve your skills and acquire the tools that will make you a better cook!

Cheese wire

This is one of the best inexpensive tools you can buy, and it is carried in many supermarkets. Most have a plastic roller just below the wire, which can be easily removed. This leaves you with a wire on a handle, ideal for slicing very soft cheeses, such as goat and blue. Both of these cheeses tend to break and crumble if you try to cut them with a knife.

When you use the cheese wire, place your cheese on the corner of the cutting board. This will allow the wire to come down onto the board and cut through the cheese completely. This is because the wire is just below the top of the handle, and it wouldn’t otherwise cut entirely through the cheese.

Cutting goat cheese with a cheese wire
Cutting goat cheese with a cheese wire on the corner of a cutting board

A knife wound heals; a wound caused by words does not.	Turkish proverb

A knife wound heals; a wound caused by words does not.

Only the knife knows the heart of a pineapple.	Romanian proverb

Only the knife knows the heart of a pineapple.

When the ox just stumbles, they all sharpen their knives.	Bahamian proverb

When the ox just stumbles, they all sharpen their knives.

Katharine Hepburn

A sharp knife cuts the quickest and hurts the least.

John Owen

Temptation is like a knife, that may either cut the meat or the throat of a man; it may be his food or his), poison, his exercise or his destruction.

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