Knife Skills —

a kitchen guide to using the right knife the right way

This site will give you the confidence to choose and use the knives and other nonelectric sharp tools in your kitchen. It’s also a reference site that you can use as you improve your skills and acquire the tools that will make you a better cook!


How much should you spend on your knife? After reviewing your needs, and then shopping around and trying to compare the various knives, you’ll then find a whole range of prices. When you compare prices it’ll seem as though you’re comparing apples and chickens. You’ll see different and similar metals, styles, and prices. And the level of service and help from the store, if you want it. How do you then make the most informed choice?

This is easy. Don’t overthink it. You’re buying something that will last you for many years. If you’re uncomfortable with the price, then buy a less expensive one. But remember that a difference of $10, $20, or $50, over the life of the knife, is not a lot of money. If it’s in your budget, then buy the knife that best suits your needs.

A bad knife cuts one’s finger instead of the stick.	Portuguese proverb

A bad knife cuts one’s finger instead of the stick.

Only the knife knows the heart of a pineapple.	Romanian proverb

Only the knife knows the heart of a pineapple.

When the ox is at the slaughterhouse everyone comes running with their knives.	German proverb

When the ox is at the slaughterhouse everyone comes running with their knives.

Katharine Hepburn

A sharp knife cuts the quickest and hurts the least.

Stephen King

Obession is dangerous. It’s like a knife in the mind. In some cases... the knife can turn savagely upon the person wielding it... You use the knife carefully, because you know it doesn’t care who it cuts.

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The author disclaims any liability in connection with the use of this information.
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