Knife Skills —

a kitchen guide to using the right knife the right way

This site will give you the confidence to choose and use the knives and other nonelectric sharp tools in your kitchen. It’s also a reference site that you can use as you improve your skills and acquire the tools that will make you a better cook!

Steak knives

Many years ago, it wasn’t unusual for people to get their steak knives from either gas stations or S&H Green Stamps. Gas stations were a popular place to receive the knives as a reward for buying your gas for 25 cents per gallon. For many decades, S&H Green Stamps were the equivalent of credit card rewards points. Both of these knife sources highlight how unimportant steak knives were for many years. They were an afterthought in most homes.

However, steak knives have long been available everywhere knives are sold. From big-box stores to specialty shops, you can spend between $15 and $250 for four knives. If a lower-cost sharp steak knife can’t easily cut your steak, you have two choices: more-expensive knives, or better-quality steak. My recommendation would be to upgrade your steak selection.

Do not yell “dinner” until your knife is in the loaf.	Canadian proverb

Do not yell “dinner” until your knife is in the loaf.

One knife whets another.	American proverb

One knife whets another.

The knife of the family does not cut.	Bajan proverb

The knife of the family does not cut.

James Russell Lowell

I have always been of the mind that in a democracy, manners are the only effective weapons against the bowie-knife.


The tongue like a sharp knife... Kills without drawing blood.

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The information in this site is true and complete to the best of our knowledge.
The author disclaims any liability in connection with the use of this information.
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